Holidays in Italy

What time is it now in Italy

Italy is in the world time zone in winter UTC +1, and in summer UTC +2, which means that in all cities - Rome, Milan, Venice, Verona, Bologna, Naples, Florence, Turin, Bari, Parma there is no time difference.

Exact local time in Italy now

When time is translated in Italy

In Italy, time is translated 2 times a year - in March and in October. In 2020, daylight saving time will occur on Sunday, March 29, at 2:00 a.m., the clock will move forward one hour.

Daylight saving time will happen on Sunday, October 27, 2019 at 3:00 a.m., the clock will be set back one hour.

Based on the rule that daylight saving time is carried out on the last Sunday of March / October, it is easy to find out the exact dates for the coming years:

  • October 25, 2020 at 3 a.m. an hour ago
  • March 28, 2021 at 2 a.m. an hour ahead
  • October 31, 2021 at 3 a.m. an hour ago
  • March 28, 2022 at 2 a.m. an hour ahead
  • October 30, 2022 at 3 a.m. an hour ago

Time difference with Italy

In order to determine the time difference between Italy and your city, just look at the real time in Italy on the clock at the beginning of the article or start from the difference with Moscow.


Since the clock was canceled in Russia, the time difference between Moscow and Italy is 2 hours in winter and 1 hour in summer.

Given the time zones in Italy, the time difference is:

  • with Yekaterinburg, Ufa - 4 hours in winter and 3 hours in summer
  • with Omsk - 5 hours in winter and 4 hours in summer
  • with Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk - 6 hours in winter and 5 hours in summer
  • with Irkutsk - 7 hours in winter and 6 hours in summer
  • with Vladivostok 9 hours in winter and 8 hours in summer


The time difference between Ukraine (UTC + 02: 00 time zone) and Italy (UTC + 01: 00 time zone) is 1 hour. When, for example, in Kiev it’s 10 o’clock in the morning, then in Rome it’s another 9 o’clock.


The time zone of Minsk is UTC + 03: 00, and in 2017, since Belarus decided not to transfer the time, the difference in winter between Belarus and Italy will be 2 hours, and in the summer 1 hour.


The time zone of Almaty is UTC +06: 00, in Kazakhstan they do not translate time, so the difference in winter between Kazakhstan and Italy is 5 hours, and in summer 4 hours.


Most countries of central Europe - Germany, Spain, Poland, Czech Republic, France, Latvia live with Italy in the same time zone. Time in London and the UK lags behind Italian by exactly one hour.

Watch the video: Italian Listening Comprehension - What Time is it Now in Italy? (April 2024).

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