Cities of Italy

The most interesting sights of Italy where you can buy tickets online

Although visiting many of the sights of Italy takes place "without a hitch", nevertheless, some of them are able to "drink tourist blood." The fact is that the most popular tourist sites and attractions are in high demand among tourists year-round. As a result, queues at the box office may well stretch for hours, and in some places it is impossible to buy tickets even several days in advance.

Due to the fact that tickets to some attractions diverge a month in advance, many tourists leave Italy with a certain degree of disappointment: was it worth it to go to distant lands, so as not to see all that was planned.

But the lack of tickets for some sights of Italy "day to day" is not so bad. It happens much more often that there are tickets, but in order to buy them, you have to defend a long line. Moreover, the length of the latter directly depends on the interest of the place and season in which you travel. It is clear that in the most interesting places during the vacation period, queues tend to stretch to indecent.

If we add the famous Italian humidity and temperature of about 35 ° C somewhere, say, in August, then the impressions of the queue for tickets are quite capable of competing in their severity and intensity with the most notorious attraction.

It is clear that in a country of victorious capitalism and the Internet, such disgrace could not last long, and the presence of demand determined the supply. Now, in many places where it was previously not crowded, you can buy tickets long before the trip, sitting on your home couch. About the most popular sights of Italy, which you can buy tickets online, we will tell below.

Colosseum in Rome

The Roman Colosseum is probably the most famous landmark in Italy. The gigantic building has adorned the center of the Eternal City for 2 thousand years and can tell a lot about the cruel mores of the ancient Romans.

Colosseum - the most recognizable symbol of Italy

It is not surprising that the Colosseum in Rome is one of the most visited sites in Italy, and therefore the lines to it are especially long. Only the fact that with a ticket to the Coliseum you can also freely enter the territory of the Roman Forum and the Palatine Hill, where in ancient times the residence of the emperors were located, is pleasantly pleasing.

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Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel

The Vatican Museums is the richest museum complex known to the whole world. What are the Sistine Chapel painted by Michelangelo and Botticelli, or the famous Stanza of Raphael, which millions of come to see every year.

The Vatican Museums are in the TOP 10 most visited museums in the world

Queues in the Vatican Museums are very reminiscent of Soviet times of the Stagnation era, only the staff is more attentive. And you have to stand for a long time, no matter what time of year you come. But the Internet came to the rescue too.

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Borghese Gallery in Rome

The Museum of Masterpieces of Ancient Art and Baroque Sculpture is located in the magnificent villa of the 17th century - the mansion of Cardinal Borghese.

Borghese Gallery in Rome

Among other treasures in the Borghese Gallery you can see Bernini's sculptures and the famous canvases of Rubens, Caravaggio, Raphael and others. Getting to the Borghese Gallery is not easy: tickets are bought up a month in advance. However, when planning a visit to Italy, you can pre-book tickets for the desired date via the Internet.

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The Last Supper of Leonardo da Vinci in Milan

Interest in the Last Supper, depicting the scene of the last supper of Christ with his disciples, especially increased after the release of the sensational bestseller Dan Brown - “The Da Vinci Code”.

Although the famous fresco by Leonardo da Vinci is located in a small room in the refectory of the Cathedral of Santa Maria delle Grazie with a separate entrance and walled windows, the interest in painting is so great that tickets for the Last Supper in Milan are sold out 2 months before the date of visit. In total, the holders of lucky tickets have no more than 15 minutes to enjoy a masterpiece.

The Last Supper of da Vinci is located in the refectory of the Cathedral of Santa Maria delle Grazie

Such excitement around the famous canvas was also caused by lengthy restoration work, due to which access to the famous fresco was closed for more than 20 years. And although attempts to restore the Last Supper were made, starting from the XVIII - XIX centuries, the most successful undertaking was the last, ending in 1999.

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Uffizi Gallery in Florence

Florence houses one of the most important art museums in Europe - the Uffizi Gallery, known for its unique collection of works by Renaissance artists. It is not surprising that the queues at the Uffizi Gallery at any time of the year are as long as cold winter nights.

Uffizi Gallery is considered the most visited museum in Italy

BlogoItaliano wrote in more detail about the museum itself and its collection in the article: Uffizi Gallery: Italy's most visited museum.

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Palazzo Vecchio in Florence

The Palazzo Vecchio, part of which belongs to the Florentine City Hall, is one of the oldest attractions in the city.

Palazzo Vecchio - one of the main attractions of Florence

Currently, most of the medieval building (XIII century) is transferred to a museum, the halls and salons of which are decorated with the work of Michelangelo, Giamboloni, Vasari and other famous Renaissance masters.

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Secret routes of the Doge's Palace in Venice

The secret routes of the Doge's Palace in Venice open to visitors a completely different side of the magnificent-looking Building. Here you can hear charming stories about the times of the Inquisition in Venice and see with your own eyes torture chambers, a prison and other medieval rooms.

The halls of the Palazzo Vecchio are decorated with the work of the great masters of the Renaissance

The popularity of the Secret Routes of the Doge's Palace in Venice among tourists is so great that the probability of becoming the owner of a ticket for this excursion in Venice itself is practically reduced to zero. Therefore, ways to penetrate the secrets of the Doge's Palace should begin to think long before the trip. More about this excursion and other attractions of Venice, which you can buy tickets through the Internet, we have already written here.

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Palazzo Ducale in Mantua

The Palazzo Ducale in Mantua, literally - the Ducal Palace, was built over 400 years (1290-1708) and served as the residence of the local rulers. It is considered one of the largest palaces in Europe and is a tourist attraction that you should definitely visit if you are traveling in northern Italy.

The architectural complex is striking in its scale: 500 rooms with galleries, corridors, as well as courtyards and other premises occupy an area of ​​34 thousand square meters.

Murals by Andrea Mantegna in the Palazzo Ducale

The rooms and halls of the Ducale Palace are painted by famous Italian artists, including Leonardo da Vinci, Donatello, Pisanello, Leon Batista Alberti and others. And the frescoes of the 15th century by Andrea Mantegna decorating the chambers of the ducal spouses (Camera degli Sposi), experts consider the peak of the Early Renaissance.

You can get to Mantua by train: from Milan, the trip will take a little more than 2 hours, from Verona - less than an hour. The Palazzo Ducale in Mantua is closed to visitors on Mondays, December 25, January 1 and May 1. Children under 5 years old - admission is free.

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Watch the video: Top 10 Best Tourist Destinations In Italy (September 2024).

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